Attorney FAQ

We provided answers to questions we commonly receive from attorneys whose clients are interested in obtaining lawsuit financing, and from attorneys interested in attorney funding. Please view Plaintiff FAQ’s for additional questions and answers about plaintiff lawsuit financing and plaintiff funding advances.


Who can apply for lawsuit financing?

Plaintiffs, potential plaintiffs who have not filed claims but are represented by attorneys, are eligible for our lawsuit financing. We provide pre-settlement lawsuit financing to plaintiffs, and to those who have claims and are represented by an attorney but have not yet filed a lawsuit. If you do not win or settle the case, no repayment is due to us.

We provide settled case funding to plaintiffs and to our attorneys who have settled their cases but have not yet received payment. For a small monthly charge, our advances up to 50 percent of your client’s net settlement and up to 60 percent of attorneys’ fees in settled cases. Please note that we do not provide lawsuit financing to individuals under the age of 18.


Does pre-settlement lawsuit financing work like a traditional loan?

No. Our lawsuit financing is not a loan, although many call the services we provide “lawsuit loans”. If we provided plaintiff pre-settlement funding in one of your cases, your client will have to repay us only if you settle or win the lawsuit. If you lose your case, your client will owe us nothing.


Are there any fees to pay up front with plaintiff lawsuit financing? Will there be monthly payments?

No. Any repayment to us, including plaintiff funding in pre-settlement lawsuit funding, surgical financing, medical expense funding, and settled case funding, will be due at the time of receipt of settlement or award. There are no monthly payments associated with our lawsuit financing.


How long does it take for plaintiffs to receive a pre-settlement lawsuit funding advance?

If we approve pre-settlement funding, we can provide your client with an advance within 24 to 48 hours. Upon receipt of the funding agreement signed by you and your client, we will release the lawsuit funding advance.

We can approve a request for a settled-case funding advance within one hour after verifying the information you provide. Then, as soon as you or your client executes the Funding Agreement for the settled case funding advance, we will advance the funds. Please email us or call 800-965-2567 for any questions or to apply for settled case funding over the telephone.


What are the minimum advances plaintiffs can obtain through lawsuit financing?

We will advance a minimum of $500 in lawsuit financing. There is no maximum, although we do cut and cap rates as appropriate. We will advance up to 50% of the net settlement proceeds to plaintiffs, and up to 60% of attorneys’ fees to attorneys, in settled case funding.


How do you determine the amount of lawsuit financing advances to plaintiffs?

The amount of any lawsuit financing advance depends on the plaintiff’s needs and the estimated value of the claim. In determining the amount of lawsuit financing to advance to plaintiffs, we will consider the following factors: the facts and law relating to the claim, liability, the venue where the case will be tried, and the insurance company involved in the lawsuit, if any.


What role do I play in my client’s lawsuit financing application?

If your client would like to apply for pre-settlement funding, your client must complete our application and disclosure form. This form authorizes us to contact you about the claim so that we can begin the evaluation and underwriting process. We might ask you to provide information about the case, medical reports, emergency room reports, accidents reports, expert testimony, insurance information, information about the current status of the litigation, and any other details that would help us to make our decision. If, after reviewing the application, we approve your client’s plaintiff lawsuit funding request, we will enter into a Funding Agreement with your client.

The Funding Agreement will set forth the amount of the lawsuit funding advance and the amount owed to us if the plaintiff secures a settlement or award. We will send the Funding Agreement to you for your signature so that our interests are protected. Other than providing preliminary information in the application process and sending us repayment before forwarding the settlement or award proceeds to your client, you will have no contact with us.


Will any fees apply to the amount of the lawsuit funding advance?

Yes. Because we are taking a significant risk in providing lawsuit financing to plaintiffs, we charge monthly fees, to be paid at one time, only if settlement is reached. If there is no viable alternative financing source, our lawsuit financing provides an excellent solution. We offer the lowest monthly fees in the lawsuit financing industry.


Will we get involved in my client’s case?

No. We will not interfere in your client’s case. We will collect information about the case in making its funding decision. We will in no way be involved in or attempt to involve itself in your case. Our underwriting team and credit committee will be unobtrusive and will ask only for a few targeted questions and/or documents, such as a police report, medical information, or insurance policy information. All information will be kept strictly confidential. Your case is your case, and we will not intervene in any way with the handling of it.


What if I don’t want my client to obtain plaintiff lawsuit financing?

If you do not want us to fund any of your cases, please let us know so that we can cease all application activity. However, we hope that you will take the time to get to know more about us and our services before coming to any conclusion. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.


Is lawsuit financing legal?

Yes. Lawsuit Financing companies provide a useful service that aids clients with paying food, mortgage, medical, and other bills while a claim is ongoing. For more about the legality and ethics of lawsuit financing, view the 2012 American Bar Association (ABA) White Paper on the Ethics of Alternative Legal Financing. Many states have enacted legislation which regulates lawsuit financing, and we carefully study and comply with the laws in every state in which it does business.


If There Are Any Additional Questions Please Contact Us At 800-965-2567, our 24/7 customer service department.